International Conference on Pollution Control for Clean Environment (ICPCCE-2023)
(Hybrid Mode)
December 15-16, 2023
IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
ICPCCE 2023 will be in Hybrid Mode. The authors have a choice to present their papers in
Presentation in Offline Mode
We recommend you to use the attached template to prepare your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
The length of the presentation should not exceed 10 minutes.
We recommend limiting the total number of slides to 15.
We request you to name the presentation with your paper ID as "ICPCCE_2023_X_YYY.pptx". For example, if your paper ID is 6, and Track is 3, name the file as "ICPCCE_2023_3_006.pptx".
We request you to submit your PDF of your presentation slide as per Sl. 4.
Presentation in Online Mode
The authors need to present their accepted paper Live through Microsoft Team (Link will be sent later).
As a part of the organizing team, we are trying to make every effort to smoothly conduct the conference in online mode without any interruption or technical glitch. In view of this, we plan to collect the recorded version of your presentation slides as a backup, which will be played only when there is any real-time issue.
Case – I (Presenting author having sufficient internet bandwidth and there is no technical glitch.)
Presenting author needs to have a Microsoft Account. If you do not have Click Here for Signup. (It’s Free)
Go through this link for getting acquainted with giving a presentation through Microsoft Teams.
Be ready for presentation as per the schedule (to be shared later)
Case – II (Presenting author having insufficient internet bandwidth and/or there is technical glitch.)
Presenting author needs to have a Microsoft Account. If you do not have Click Here for Signup. (It’s Free)
Be online for Q&A for the entire duration of your presentation as per the schedule.
Organising committee of the conference will play the recorded presentation slides (submitted by you) as per the schedule.
Given below are the advisory for preparing the recorded presentation slides (Online Mode).
We recommend you to use the attached template to prepare your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
We advise you to prepare the recorded version of your presentation slides through the "Slide Show àRecord slide show" option from Microsoft PowerPoint. The steps for recording the presentation can be found in the following websites (i) Record a slide show with narration, and (ii) How to save voice-over PowerPoint?
The length of the recorded presentation should not exceed 10 minutes. Also, we recommend limiting the total number of slides to 15.
The resolution of the recorded presentation should be 1080p HD and should be saved in MP4 format.
We request you to name the recorded presentation with your paper ID as "ICPCCE_2023_X_YYY.MP4". For example, if your paper ID is 6, and Track is 3, name the file as "ICPCCE_2023_3_006.MP4".
It is mandatory to prepare the recorded version of your presentation slides as per the guideline mentioned above using the attached template.
The above steps are to be followed for each and every accepted paper.